Kevin @29303-130KE

Age 17, Male (He/Him)

Little Katerkünstler

High-School Student


Joined on 5/16/24

Exp Points:
46 / 50
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
2.71 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

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So, I used to cut myself. Very blunt statement, there, but what happened happened.

Anyways. My old scars are burning right now. Like, there is NOTHING there on my arm so it literally has to be my scars.

The scars are OLD. Pure white. That's so weird. Bodies are weird. It feels like a sunburn. (No, it isn't a sunburn lol)

I miss my old art. I used to draw a lot. I've been busy, I guess. Also, it feels like I killed my old self. Maybe that is half true.

Going over to my girlfriend's place on the weekends leaves me with like NO free-time sometimes so hopefully I will draw a bit more this summer.

For senior year I am going to have to LOCK THE FUCK IN but thankfully I barely passed my required courses this year.

I have physical education, 2 math courses, and credit recovery next year. Gulp.

I hate the people at my school. They are fucking assholes.

I've been contemplating cutting my hair short again, but the longer hair took so long to grow out and it means so much to me. Also, if I cut it, it'd be like I am giving in because people would be like, "haha you finally cut your hair see guys can't have long hair haha!" soooo... yeah. IDK, man. Eff everyone. Eff myself.

Recent Game Medals

10 Points

Donkey Pieces 5 Points

Blew up a dead-alive donkey

Multi 5 5 Points

Got a x5 Multiplier

Available for Work

Hello, I am open to creating artwork for people.

Hello, I am open to creating artwork for people, for a small fee.

This fee would be paid through Cashapp.

This is mostly just so I can have some extra money for small things that I enjoy.

I can do doodles, linework, and colored/shaded work.

I have many examples of my artwork on my old account.

I also have (less) examples on this newer account.

You are free to ask me for any other examples.

I can do both traditional and digital.

You can use this artwork for anything you please.

I am open to anything as I am not a very judgmental person.


Doodles: $3.00 standalone, $5.00 for a little page

Line Work: $10.00

Colored/Shaded Work: $15.00

Cashapp Payment Only

Small example sheet, be sure to check both of my profiles as well:

